
This is where I ramble about the things I did\think about during those times.

Generational Differences


I don't have the time to watch cartoons or shows. My dad is a movies person and watches older cartoons from his generation. He always comments about how modern cartoons are so "uneducational" and "time waster" and how the older cartoons provided actual information that would help you through your life. he says that as he unironically watches thundercats. I think it's funny but at the same time he sorta makes sense in a way? He's considered a boomer since he was born in 73 and If I got old like him and watched the modern shows in the future, I'll do the same thing too though unlike my dad, I'd sit down and actually watch the show to comment on it. he doesnt watch the new shows because when I do put something like adventure time, he'd on his phone doing mailwork. I think the reason he's been that negative about modern cartoons is prob because conservative humor and cartoon network/nick do not belong in the same catagory. do NOT get me started on my mom now!