
This is where I ramble about the things I did\think about during those times.

QR codes?!! eugh!!


I really hate the fact that every restaurant I know of removed menus in favor of QR codes. I prefer when they give me a huge paper to look around when I'm ordering. I mean sure, "save the trees burn a book" and all but I just find it less convenient. It doesn't help with the fact that now I'm starting to see it apply on DRIVE THRUs. I went to KFC that day since I was in the mood for a chicken sandwich and I was greeted with "SCAN. ORDER. PAY." with a huge QR Code. I tried scanning it but it lead me to a blank page. I thought it was just my VPN being wack so even when I disabled it I was greeted with the white page again. I drove to the employee who was holding a notepad and I told her "The QR Code isn't working" and she looks at me like I insulted her or something. "The scanner." "The QR code" "The thing over there". No response. I just brushed it off and she took my order. I think she was absolutely mad because I said "extra LETTUCE" yet she but put 2 whole tomatoes on my chicken sandwich which explains why I felt sick that night.I HATE tomatoes.