
This is where I ramble about the things I did\think about during those times.

Etsy plushies


Recently decided to use Etsy since I was told it got alot of good fan related things to buy, I've ordered this little guy which came with this cute letter that had an image of the plush with a cake. I'm not really a plush type guy, it's not in my autism spectrum like most of my friends but I really like how comfortable he is to hold, he's round enough to be held like a l4d2 gnome and has enough texture for me to fidget with. aside from the plush, my dreams have gotten extremely weird and vivid now adays that yesterday I woke up in general confusion and I was like "what the fuck". it had religion, naked susie, flashing lights, purple hills and amen break samples. I wrote what I could remember into my friends DMs to explain it to him and he hasnt replied back, I assume because he was also as confused as I am.