
This is where I ramble about the things I did\think about during those times.

Routine to CRT


I woke up really early today due to me habit of drinking lots of water before asleep and went back to sleep. I was bummed out that I woke up at 12pm after that. So I spent most of my time just goofing around. at 4pm My dad asked me to give our laptops to our repairman since we basically don't need them anymore. they lasted for a long time aswell! the oldest laptop we have is from 2005 and it still runs. I archived all the stuff we had into one big USB folder for reservation and went on my way. I was even lucky to come back home with this CRT Monitor! You have NO IDEA how hard it is to find CRTs here so I consider it a lucky day because of it. I hope my parents don't mind it though.