
This is where I ramble about the things I did\think about during those times.

Where have I been


OH MAN! Where do I even start? the moment I said I will focus on the finals of my institute was also the wildest 3 weeks of 2023 as a whole. The exams had to be delayed because the prince passed away 3 days before exams actually started and the whole country paused for a week to mourn his passing so I just stood there waiting for something to do. though I passed with a 3.82 out of 4 in total even though I didn't even study much. While all of this was happening. I was attempting to make a DMCA Takedown! Yeah thats right. I ALMOST FILED A DMCA TAKEDOWN!. The developer of Regretevator was using a texture I made and I've asked them to credit me atleast, but things went south when the discord mods dug through my history and found out I was friends with kittydog and saw out of context screenshots of me saying evil words in an enviormentally hostile group so they just banned me. After various polite attempts of trying to reach out and it leading to the same scenario of "I'll wait for the higher ups response" I said "screw this shit" and threatened to DMCA Takedown the game for using assets without my consent, Thankfully the main developer messaged me 2 days after and we figured things out together, we're friends somehow because of it! My best friend Aunarky helped me out through all of that since I was taking the polite approach which apperantly doesn't work with these type of people. When all of that was happening, I accidentally fried up my computer as a whole because I wanted to switch to Linux on my main hard drive and now I lost 95% of things I've held close to for 5 years. at the same time I learnt the harsh truth that the 2TB SSD that I've been using was an HDD all this time and now I'm SAD. Happy late new years btw.