I'm known online as "Mediumkey" though some recognize me as "LargeKey", "Billerman" or "SmallKey"
Born in Kuwait, 2004. and I'm very into computer stuff.
Recently diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) but was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Defict Hyper Disorder) at a very young age.
I don't really have a hobby other than just TRYING to do something so I spend most of my day outside or working out.
I like messing around with computer softwares and/or hardware in my freetime which is why I'm planning to graduate as an IT.
Currently enthusiastic about ROBLOX. Primarily using it as a base for story writing and character building which I've been doing for few years.
Favorite music genres : I listen to whatever I'm in the mood for. I dabble with Drum n Bass, Jazz, Vaporwave, Rap, Alt Rock and Anything else that isnt "too intense" like Breakcore and Hyperpop. They are rather too much for me.
I LOVE SKYBOXES!!!!I'd like to make my own eventually.
In 2017, I was an active kid in the Michael P discord server and at the time I didn't really have an online username and was using my real name, which now adays is rather dangerous to do. I stumbled upon a voice chat session with 2 individuals, LowkeyCabbage and "Highkey." During that session, I would continously make puns and joke about how "there should be a mediumkey to balance this server" and among these lines. Highkey then responded that I should change my name to Mediumkey, which then sticked with me to this day. I have tried most of the time to use a different name/identity online though most of it failed. names like "Dr.Weenie64", "SectorSweeper" , "Noob75K" and "NorkieZor" are names that I tried before or after Mediumkey and all of them didn't really click. "Mediumkey" feels nice to say and is easy on the tongue and its easy to remember, A medium-sized Key. There have been names that I used that I still or used to be known for like "Billerman", a character in the upcoming Tomb Fetus project by DrPySpy that I've retired from using in early 2022. LargeKey for my now defunct Twitter account and Smallkey, my steam name.
Whats left of my legacy from the Michael P server
General Arts
Video Game Modding
Character Designs and Story writing
Graphic Designs
Interior Decorating
GoldSource/Source Engine
Guinea Pig Care
Bird Watching
Dave n Bambi
Stress Level Zero (BONEWORKS/Duck Season/ETC)
Software Renders from the 90s era
Call of Duty (anything before vanguard)
Linux/Windows Operating Systems
Super Mario Bros
Art of Skyboxes
Five Nights at Freddy's
Skeuomorphism/General Aero
I've been playing ROBLOX since the age of 9 in 2013. since then I've been enthusiastic about how open and "endless" it felt with its games and thriving community. sadly, as older I got and how much different its current demographic is. I primarily just use ROBLOX as a form of character and world builder due to how much I am familiar with it. I lack the time to learn engines like Unity or modelling programs like Blender to fully achieve what I want to create. My love for ROBLOX will always remain even if it's current state is so aggressive, hostile and soulless platform that's just trying to gain profit with no lack of care and love to the games.
A screenshot of my main ROBLOX outfit and the other outfits I made.
A picture rendered in ROBLOX Studio showing my characters in various outfits fighting off a hostile villain.
One of my characters, Zach.
Source Engine
In 2004. Valve released Counter-Strike: Source world wide as a recreation of Counter Strike 1.6 on their newest engine at the time.It wasn't fully embraced until the release of Half-Life 2 later that year which got recieved multiple awards for how advanced the game was for its time. to this day I'm still impressed with how technologically advanced it was with things like real time rendering, physics and AI, while improving on from it's predecessor the GoldSrc engine. I've been pretty much active when it comes to some of the games that were made in the engine due to my familiarity with tinkering and modding said games. I love learning the odds and the woz. while I haven't been very active like years ago. I pretty much still play, tinker and discuss about the games and the engine itself with people online. I'm still amazed that games like Apex Legend still use it despite how pretty much dated it is now.
Counter Strike: Source (2004)
Source Engines' faceposer program playing back a complex Half-Life 2 scene.
Tech Demo showcase of Source in E3 2003
Linux/Windows Operating Systems
When I was 3 years old in 2006, My mother would let me surf the web and check out websites of shows like Thomas the tank engine, Barney and friends and Pingu. and would let me play the flash games on said websites. This pretty much explains why to this day I've been a computer enthusiast. Windows XP being the operating system that we were using at the time made me fall in love with how welcoming and cozy it felt with its iconic colors and user interface. When it ended support in 2014 I went through a "bookworming" phase where I read and toyed with every build of Windows XP through virtual and real machines. that on its own is a reason why I got pretty hooked on things unrelated to computers like Graphic Designs and 90s era software renders. Now adays I use Linux on my laptop and Windows 10 on my main hardware for both hobby and gaming use. I got into Linux in late 2023 as a way of learning more about complex computery stuff + I really love how flexible it is in terms of customizability.
My computer in 2016. dual core i2 running Windows XP
My current Linux laptop setup. Linux Mint on a Lenovo IdeaPad 5